Today is a special day in Fishcow history that we shall properly celebrate in our office.
Exactly five years ago, we founded our humble studio! Initial reactions from our surroundings were not exactly enthusiastic, there were many sceptics who predicted a miserable failure after just a few weeks, or questioned our dedication and our passion to make games without much of experience. They were right in a certain way, it was very challenging to make our first game, but we were too stubborn to give up. Our stubbornness and passion were our weapons in a fight against all odds, and after 29 months of hard work it finally happened – Gomo was born to become a hero.
Now it’s been five years and we are still here! We’d like to propose a toast to all the dedicated people who don’t give up on their dreams, and of course, a toast to you, our dear community – without you, we wouldn’t be where we are now!
P.S.: We know we’ve been teasing something for quite some time now and many of you are patiently waiting for the news. Our initial plan was to “reveal the secret” today, however we aren’t yet ready to share the news with you now. We think that you deserve to be presented with the best we can offer – therefore we’ll do the big unveiling in our next blog post. Stay tuned!
It’s hard to find the right words to begin with. Recently, I’ve been going through the old blogs on our website. The last one was from May 31th, 2014. It’s a pity that our website hasn’t been updated in almost two years. Even more so, that we’ve neglected you, our community, and haven’t talked about what’s been happening behind the scenes, whether we still even existed as a studio, what we were working on, etc. There’s plenty that I’d like to tell you about this period, and I’ll try to make it short in this blog.
Let’s start with Gomo
I’ve just realized that our first game, Gomo, was released on December 6th, 2013. Almost two and half years ago – if it was a child, it would be walking and talking by now!
Some of you were asking whether we plan to make a sequel. The truth is that even we don’t know. Right now, we are focusing on something else, so there are no plans for a sequel in the foreseeable future.
Others wanted to know whether Gomo was successful, financially or otherwise. I can say that it was definitely worth it, even if we didn’t get rich. As inexperienced students, we had made quite a lot of mistakes during Gomo’s development, which cost us considerable amount of time, but we’ve gained a lot of valuable experience, some important contacts in the industry, and we’ve earned some money to compensate for all the efforts. We’re also quite happy about the sales numbers, as we’ve crossed 50k sold copies. By all means, we have set realistic expectations for Gomo and they’ve all been exceeded.
Our dream was to port Gomo to mobile, however our development process and choice of incompatible software basically scrapped the option before we even seriously started thinking about it. Porting Gomo would’ve meant to redraw, reanimate and reprogram the whole game from scratch.
Gomo in early development stages. Do you recognize the level?
Last 2 and half years
After we released Gomo, we’ve set a new goal – to make a great game which can make it in the big world outside.
As we’ve gained experience and some capital, thanks to Gomo, we were in a good position to start working on new ideas. We’ve begun to develop and try out several new concepts, before deciding which one to turn into a proper game. Long story short, we have made several “alphas” before August 2015, which were quite good, but not satisfactory. I’ll write more about these concepts, and show some of our work in progress, in following posts.
Last but not least, we’ve modernized and updated both our website and our logo. By the way, the logo is already one-year-old! 🙂
How to finish this?
I can say that we’ve always been around and now we’re back in full force. We haven’t stopped working on games, even for a moment, and we’re following up on our dream – to make the best game from Slovakia. Now, I can proudly say that we’re working on our upcoming game since August 2015. Official reveal coming soon!