Gomo Official Site Launched!

The Official Site for Gomo is now “On Air”.
Check It Out on: www.playgomo.com

We Also Made Facebook Funpage for Gomo on This Ocassion. Like It and Share It!

In-game Screen and Dev Progress

We have some new stuff for YOU! Time has passed and now we bring you new in-game screen on which you can see some game features like inventory, item usage and menu panel.

And what about dev progress ?
Well we are in final stage and finishing work on Gomo, but we need little more time to finalize few aspects of game.
So stay tuned.


Gomo Trailer Available

Waiting is over, Gomo trailer is out. Enjoy it!

Fresh Screens and Wallpapers!

Fresh cooked screens and wallpapers directly from “the kitchen” of upcoming game Gomo. Bon appetit!



